Forest Honey
Thanks to its intense flavour, forest honey is ideally suited not only as a spread, but also as a natural and aromatic sweetener for a wide range of pastries, cakes and desserts. What is more, thanks to its even stronger antibacterial properties – in comparison to blossom honeys – it is also a perfect home remedy for colds. For all those who can’t get enough of the classic honey variety, Honigmayr Forest Honey is also available in a 950g (storage) jar and in handy 350g and 500g dispenser formats.
- Aroma:
Intense, spicy aroma, colour range varying from reddish brown to dark brown
- Available from:
Mpreis, Penny
- Weight:
- Note:
Honey is classed as a raw foodstuff and is not suitable for infants under the age of one.
- Storage:
Store at room temperature in a dry place protected against heat.
- Organic certificate: