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A world full of honey

Bee informed

Do you have any questions about our honey or honey-making process? We have collected the questions asked most frequently by our consumers in our FAQ section. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email or phone.


Do you have any questions about our honey-making process? Do you have any suggestions concerning the Honigmayr honey varieties? Are you looking for the right contact person for your query? If so, then send us a message directly using the contact form or get in touch with your desired contact person. We look forward to hearing from you!


Production location

Honigmayr Handelsgesellschaft mbH
Honigmayr Platz 1,
A-5451 Tenneck
Phone: +43 6468 / 5217-0
Email: info@honigmayr.at

Marketing & Sales

Alpine Brands GmbH & Co KG
Gmundner Staße 27,
A-4800 Attnang-Puchheim
Phone: +43 7674 64 222
Email: office@alpinebrands.at
Website: www.honigmayr.at